Selasa, 25 September 2012

D'eyeko Eyelashes

D' eyeko Lengthening

Natural Volume



D'eyeko eyelashes this is the first time I have used. Anyway thank you D' eyeko eyelashes gorgeous. And thank you for making me more beautiful eyelashes natural in appearance. Still from my favorite eyelashes, D'eyeko. as you see guys d'eyeko have a variety of types of eyelashes, and these are just a few of the collection. D'eyeko eyelashes have a very soft texture and is made ​​from human hair. And since they are made from natural hair, in terms of material, it is safer to be inserted near the eyes and on your lids :-)

Voilaaa...I really overlook. XOXO...

Thank you D'eyeko

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Happy Graduation


Sabtu, 15 Sept' kemaren akhirnya saya wisuda di Hotel Horison Bandung. Telat setelatnya, karena lulusnya taon kemaren malah ikutan wisudanya baru sekarang! karena  taon kemaren pulang kampung jadi deh ga bisa ikutan jd deh taon ini. Niat ga niat nih datangnya karena kurang informasi plus udah ga fresh from the oven lagi, hahaha...tapi karena ini juga bukan wisuda gue yg pertama kalinya, so, nyantai ngaret deh datangnya (alibi). Untung pagi ini di dampingi oleh seorang jiwa militer jadi deh pasang tampang tegar, padahal dalam hati ngantuk...gue masih ngantuk...Dandan sendiri seadanya, pake baju seadanya dari lemari, perfectooo deh ditambah muka bantal baru bangun tidur!

finally got his Rizkiyani S.Kom

Finally over this graduation, next karena udah jam 12pm perut mulai perang kita meluncur ke atas untuk nyari tempat makan. Do u know lah jalanan Bdg disaat weekend, we decided to eat at Sapu Lidi Sersan Bajuri because it's a cozy and cool.

Handmade blouse, New Look high heels, Gogirl bag,

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